COWLEY'S / FRIDay March 15, 2019
St. Patty's Day Weekend
This qualified as "one of those times when we thought it would be fun to play", so we did. Not only were we able to scam off the upcoming St. Patrick's Day crowd at an Irish Bar like Cowley's, it seems that the Supply and Demand curve we learnt in College really does work. If there are fewer Free Beer shows (lack of supply) everyone shows up whenever we play (high demand). This was the case as EVERYONE we ever knew showed up to see us play with Bobby White on drums. Tom Daldin showed up too but due to his hearing issue, he was not able to stick around for the gig or sit in on drums. Also, it was the night before the night before the night before Kurtmas to technically, it was Kurt's birthday and Audrey floated a cake out there. We ate it. This "only playing once in a while" think is starting to grow on us!