Cowley's / SaturDay June 7 2014
Show #401
At the last minute, the Cowley's found out that they did not have a band for Saturday immediately following our big 20th anniversary party on Friday June 6th. So we offered to leave our equipment all set up and just roll in an play a second gig for them. Most of our fans had already partied it up pretty hard on Friday night, so we only had three die hard regulars with us ... Marcel Lim, Deb Nicholou and Audrey Meissner. There were plenty of people there, just not our regulars. Then a strange thing happened. Down at that park near the bar there was a cancer walk and a band of bagpipers were playing down there an came in for a drink at the Irish Bar. We coaxed them up on stage to play a couple of tunes and we passed the hat and raised another $100 to fight cancer. Only one photo from the night, but two videos on Facebook, which are linked below.