Freighters / Tuesday December 31 2013
New Years Eve
We had no idea what to expect. Freighters is a brand new place in the Hilton Doubletree in Port Huron, literally UNDER the Blue Water Bridge, right on the banks of the St. Clair River. Freighters go right by the front window of the place just a couple hundred feet away. A bunch of us got rooms at the inn and came in early had a very nice dinner (boy was it crowded) and a Bagpipe player serenaded us. We will also say this, Port Huron residents are big fans of Under The Radar Michigan, because Tom got recognized no less that 15 times during dinner! We started playing quietly at 9PM and progressively got louder until the finish. Frank G was admiring Jim's guitars so we invited him up to play and he ROCKED. The countdown happened, we played another hour. Overall a great time and we are sure surprised how friendly everyone was in Port Huron. As promised, we bought breakfast for anyone who was able to come down by 9:30AM and have Breakfast with Free Beer on New Years morning. See the survivors in the pictures.