McGuckin's / TuesDay March 17 2015
St. Patrick's Day
We played first at McGuckin's in Taylor/Allen Park and Superball followed us. So Free Beer arrived early, but since we were using Superball's PA system, there wasn't a whole lot to do except wait around for the crowd to show up. McGuckin's as a small bar but they erect a tent 3 times the size of the bar to handle the expected crowds. So we pulled up a chair and waited. We had a camera so we took some pictures of us waiting. Eventually, a couple of those party busses of people in green showed up and provided us with an audience so we hopped on stage and got to it. Line up is our typical St. Patty's Day crew ... Free Beer with Jeff on bass, adding Jim Fiddle Flynn and Ron Jewell on vocals. We were doing the "4 Irish Songs / 8 Rock Songs" set switching out Kurt for Ron and Jim when we were playing the Irish songs. Maybe it was because it was Tuesday, but the crowd never reach capacity. There was a "short person" who was willing to get his picture taken with you and a guy that lost his balance and fell on his butt when he tried to tip his beer back to finish it off. We didn't get pictures of ANY of that.